Monday, March 9, 2009

the raindrop of JVC

I've embarcked on a strange journey this year... surrendering myself to a year of service, living communally with 6 other volunteers (whom I didn't know before I got here), on a monthly stipend of $85. It is very much a spiritual journey- one where my personal relationship with God is pulled and pushed, twisted, morphed & transformed... all with the hope of ending the year with a relationship that is stronger and newer than ever before.

The rollercoaster began in August.
1, getting on a plane to California
5 seconds later, meeting 70 other random volunteers, including my new housemates
10..., moving into my new apartment
and so on, time has continued to fly.

My job is focused on helping mentally disabled homeless people through social work. I help them find housing, get on a fixed income, access treatment, etc. Fun stuff. My thoughts on social justice have changed in the middle of all of this work--

At times, I sense my cynicism towards homelessness growing:
i.e. Homeless person: "I need housing. I just got clean. I have no money."
me: "okay well, there's subsidized housing available for very low prices in the ghetto."
homeless person: "no im not going to the ghetto i'd rather live on the street."

Other times, I find myself constantly on their side:
i.e. homeless person: "I have child molestation charges on my record, im suicidal, and im sorry i did it. I need help."
I find myself talking to them about having faith, getting into treatment, and taking care of themselves...

With this inner conflict I end up finding compromise at some point:
social justice issues that I see this year are but a tiny, tiny mark on the spectrum of issues that are occurring globally. My job is a single raindrop in the early stages of a tempest. While some may try to cheat the system, and others feel entitled to receiving free services, many of them are indeed looking for help for the right reasons. In the end, both groups have nothing; all they are trying to do is survive.

I wouldn't want to live in the ghetto either.

I hesitated with creating this blog earlier in the year, it seemed like too much work. Lately, I've been somewhat peer pressured into blogging; Blogging is everywhere- my boss blogs. my housemates blog. boys blog. my favorite singer blogs. I figured I should keep up with the trends (for fear of feeling old or outdated), and see what can develop from this craze that seems to be infiltrating my life from every end, calling me so desperately to participate...

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